Catfish Noodle Float part

Catfish Noodle Float part


**********Put the two halves together first and then install on the PVC pipe. Technically you could just insert one at a time and expand the diameter or amount of line you wish to add to the whole system. Made both parts pressure fit each other. Recommend to add glue. This will fit a 1/2 inch or 21.6mm PVC OD and will be a super tight fit. Some force can be use and glue for over engineering success. The distance of the spool or between the halves about 5 mm and the depth from the center to the edge is 10mm. I added a small bridge on one half to be use as a attachment point or as a loop. I rounded the top part so to not cut any fishing line. If you don't want it then just cut it with some plyers. Thanks to no1b4me420 for the original design.






