VIVIMAGE Explore 8W WiFi Movie 7000L Projector Ceiling Mount
PJVPJV did an excellent job with his original mount for his Pico projector. I've sized this up, and sturdied the posts to accomodate the extra weight of the VIVIMAGE 7000L. I created this for our kitchen. I know, I'm a monster. These cheaper LED projectors don't typically have ceiling mounting holes, nor do they work upside down, because... well... they're just too frigg'n cheap. You have two options: A platform style mount, or some C clips to try and keep it in place. I was just too nervous to only use clips. PRINTING NOTE: No supports are needed. No top or bottom layers are needed. (I know, its crazy, but just check the pictures). Only 3 drywall screws are needed (just like the original design). I printed this on an Ender 3 equipped with an Ender Extender kit (which lets me print... a lot bigger stuff). Printed with a 1.0mm nozzle too, so it was done in 6 or 7 hours.