28mm Marked Enemy Bases
I was searching Thingaverse for miniatures for my next few sessions I'd be running when I stumbled upon these: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3699308 I printed one and it fits GREAT! The only problem with it I had was that we often have crowded battles and I was worried about the extra space taken by the numbers. Also, while I love how cool the numbers look directly on the bases, I didn't like the idea of having to paint. I also like the idea of being able to use a single print file regardless of how many I'm printing or what specific number I need. So before I started designing I began looking for a cheap way to solve both of these problems. I used the dimensions from the original design to create a new design with circle plates where stickers could be placed. The circles will take any 10mm or 0.4" sticker. I ended up finding these pre-numbered stickers on Amazon (not an affiliate): https://amazon.com/gp/product/B08DHVKJG3 The stickers look great on there. I used black filament and numbered stickers with a black background.