Electronics Enclosure (SV01, Ender 3, etc.)

Electronics Enclosure (SV01, Ender 3, etc.)


The stock Sovol SV01 electronics enclosure was located *underneath* the printer, so the only way to work on the printer was to flip the entire printer over, so it was upside down. This enclosure makes performing upgrades and tweaking the printers' hardware much less of a headache. Parts list: - 10x M3x6mm screws - 8x M3 nuts - 4x M4x6mm screws 3D printed parts: - 1x Body.stl - 1x Lid.stl - 1x ElectronicsPlate.stl - 2x Body_smallExpansionCap.stl - 1x Body_expansionCap.stl - 1x Body_screenBracket.stl - 1x Body_IOShieldBlank.stl - 1x Body_IOShieldSDCard.stl Some of those parts will be available after disassembling your stock enclosure. For example, the SV01 came with 4 M4x6mm screws to mount the PSU already, so extras aren't needed. The included screen bracket will work for the stock Ender 3 LCD. Please see the included picture to see what the included electronics plate will hold. I'm including the CAD file, so you can easily make your own brackets/IO shields/screen mounts/changes/whatever. Important notes: - The IO shield does not have an opening for the USB port on the printer's mainboard, since I don't use it. - There is no external access to the Raspberry Pi with the included IO Shield / electronics plate. - The stock switch may or may not fit, I didn't use the stock switch in this design. It's intended to be placed on the bottom opening on either side of the enclosure towards the front of the enclosure. Since I'm including the CAD files, it should be easy enough to create a bracket/change the hole size. Please feel free to upload any remixes if that ends up being necessary. - For the SV01, you'll have to extend one of the Z stepper wires. - The included STL's have no way to mount a fan. I actually found my temperatures stayed so low that I just don't need a fan, having the cooler-running TMC2209 stepper drivers helps. As always, feel free to remix/design your own mount. I would recommend printing the Lid and Body in PETG, electronics get hot. I intentionally designed this to be quite customizable. There are expansion holes (one needed for the switch), a screen bracket (so you can design a new bracket without having to reprint the whole thing if you want to switch screens), electronics plate that is very easily interchangeable, interchangeable IO shield, etc. Yes, the Fusion 360 model is kinda a mess, but you should be able to use it to change things. It's included in the files



