Lever for Virpil as a Clamp
<h2><b>Like if you do. Comment for improvement.</h2></b> Please go to Thing Files and download each part separately.</p><p> <p>This modification is part in the joystick add-on series.</p><p>With the DCS module Mi24 Hind being released, I wanted the matching joystick. I added the missing brake lever to the WarBRD joystick. A little bit less un-ergonomic.</p> <h2><u><b>Applicability:</h2></u></b><ul> <li>Virpil WarBRD joystick grip. </li></ul><h2><u><b>Options:</u></b></h2><ul><li> lever </li><li> lever + flip-switch </li><li> lever + flip-switch + scroll gears (trim/pilot assist). </li></ul><h2><u><b>Print:</h2></u></b><ul><li> Designed for resin printing. Please share your results if you use a filament printer. </li></ul><h2><u><b>Materials:</h2></u></b><ul><li> M3 bold and 20mm screw </li><li>4.5 x 20 x 0.3 compression spring (up to 5mm in diameter, at least 15mm in length and up to 0.8mm wire diameter) </li><li>Rotary potentiometer(s). </li><li>Flip switch (optional). </li><li>Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro and some wiring (optional). </li></ul><h2><u><b>Assembly:</u></h2></b><ol><li> Check the picture, they are worth 1000 words. </li><li>Plug the potentiometer wires either:<ul><li>in an Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro, load the joystick library and follow the examples in <a href="https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples"> Arduino tutorial chapter 3</a>. </li><li>in the Virpil base at your own risk.</li></ul> </li></ul></li></ol><h2><u><b>Known Issues and Planned Solutions:</h2></u></b><ul><li>Currently none. I am happy with the results. Are you? </li></ul></li></ol><h2>Use the referral code STAR-TQTV-6RL5 to get 5000UEC when creating a new account for Star Citizen.