Tech Deck Obstacles
Continuing to play around with Tech Deck obstacles. My countertop is quickly turning into a skatepark. Totally unintentional, but you have to test out your prints right? I may add more depending on what comes to mind. I'll also take suggestions. Probably not going to make any quarter or half pipes though... Glue AngleBarforBox onto box edges Depending on your printer, the rails/bench might need to be glued into their stands. I used drawer liner grip and glued them to the bottom of the stands and boxes using a glue stick. This is to elimnate sliding on slick surfaces and it works well. I tried grip pads, but they are thick and don't add as much grip as I would have liked. Most things I printed at 30% infill with PLA. Going to up that a bit for the rails since they are slightly flimsy at 30%. I'm going to try 50% next. Let me know what works best for you.