N Scale Model Train Straight and Curved Track Tie Cutter and Gapper Tool

N Scale Model Train Straight and Curved Track Tie Cutter and Gapper Tool


Last week I published my N Scale Model Train Straight Track Jig to make your own hand built straight track sections for a N scale model train layout. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4941165 This is the copper PCB cross tie cutting and gapping tool for straight and curved track. This will form 20 copper PCB board cross ties to the same length and with the gap in the middle all at once. This is designed for Fast Tracks PCB ties but should work for other brands such as Cloverleaf, but I have not had the opportunity to test them. Watch a YouTube video explaining the tool here: https://youtu.be/ubyMEdeVENQ Snip off seven full length PCB pieces and clean up the snipped end and then slip the tie into the tool and snip to length. Turn the tie around and put the other clean end into the next slot and snip to length. Either do this for all and then clean off one end of the short piece or do it one at a time. Snip the tiny piece off the end and continue until the tool is full or you have enough for your intended use. The tool works for one or twenty the same. Next file the ends quickly as the PCB files easy and so does the 3D printed plastic. Then add the case and use a triangle file to file the gap in all the ties at once. You can see with a magnifying glass if the ties are well gapped. Double check for shorts with a continuity tester on a volt meter and avoid having to search for a short later on. I then use a small metal brush to safely clean off the dust as it can be fiberglass. File the flat gapped copper face just a little bit to make them shine before putting in the jig and soldering them to the rails. I always use the three triangle track gauges when hand building my tracks. Please post links to your track work. Would love to see what everyone makes with my jigs and tools!







Hand Tools