Bat Signal Statue
This is a remix of the beautiful [Mag-net's Batman]( I made it hollow, carved the Dark Knight Bat-Simbol in its back and designed a proper stand. After that, i took a led from a 12V led strip and fixed it in the inside. A wonderful Bat Signal! I printed it at max scale allowed me by my Ender 3 (23 cm in height!). You need supports for the hero, but not for the stand if you print it upside down. EDIT: I used this led stripe: SODIAL (R) 5050 SMD 600 RGB LED RGB DC 12V. It comes in section of three leds. The photo on the page model was taken with a 3 led section taped horizontally inside the statue, at the opposite of the hole. Later I found out 3 leds were projecting 3 sligtly disaligned bat signals (you can see it in the photo if you look closely at the edges). The solution for this was to mask two of the three leds with black electric tape: one led project a neat and clear signal. Again, the led was glued straight in the inside of the statue, opposite to the hole (see new photo).