Dice tower & Tray
Hi everyone! Last month we reached 200 members on patreon, now less due to expiration dates, but I still wanted to thank you all for your support. So I made this dice tower & dice tray so you can launch your dices without throwing any of them on the ground XDD. I've splitted it out of four pieces so any printer can print it, it's larger than common printer size, and you can join the pieces together with the clips or glue them (but with the clips you can easily save!) *I've fixed the artifacts inside the geometry So, if you like it, would be great if you consider joining our community in patreon an supporting us to keep doing models like this one. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/makersanvilstudio"><img height="36" src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png" alt="Became a Patron!"></a> Also, you can follow us on instagram where we will be uploading photos of our newest content and you can see the entire set of pieces, avaliable for all our patreons!! <a href="https://www.instagram.com/makersanvil/">instagram.com/makersanvil</a>