HK VP9 VP40 Slide Racker

HK VP9 VP40 Slide Racker


Was looking for custom parts for my pistols and found the best online retailer for HK is However, I didn't want to pay their prices. So naturally I did what any creative 3D printer would have done - designed my own version. I have confirmed that the function of the backplate is solely to hold in the firing pin and firing sleeve, and there is no impact or pressure placed on this piece. I have not yet tested this 3D printed part with live rounds, but it should be just fine - Even the stock piece is only a polymer. Anyway, I hold no responsibility for any damage or injury (to yourself or firearm) that you may individually experience. Once I have tested with live ammo, I will update this post. Also, I wouldn't recommend this piece for IWB (Concealed carry) holsters. :) Printing: I printed it with silver PLA, and it looks pretty great, but you can choose whatever color you like! I printed a wider version (40mm) but one PLA handle broke off when I put uneven pressure on the both grips, so I shortened the width to 35mm. I would definitely recommend that you print this one with a stronger material PETG or ABS for strength. I printed it right-side up, but I think you could safely print it upside down as well. I used typical settings - 20% infill, no supports or brim. For reference, the product I used for my design is linked below, but they have all kinds of awesome products for HK firearms, so I recommend you check them out: Check out my other HK/firearm designs!



