Remix Lansky upgrades Sharpmaker

Remix Lansky upgrades Sharpmaker


I liked what I saw but there were a few things I thought I could improve. 1) wanted to print without support so I recessed the logo on top and while i was at it added the spyderco as well 2) I wanted to slide the triangle in and for it to be held in place without a screw. So i added tabs 3) added a stop so the triangle won't fall out while using it. I have a prusa MK3 upgraded to an s+ it is well dialed in and the clearances for this are tight. I printed in PETG so I could design it tight to clutch the stone, petg has the flexibility to allow the fingers to not immediately snap off. they will if you push on them but only if. Clearance are tight so if your printer is not dialed this model might need some tuning. to that end here is the tinker link so you can do what you need to do. if you ungroup the tabs should be unlocked and you can move them up or down as needed for your print.







Hand Tools