Voron Afterburner Galileo - Ender 3 & Ender3 V2 V Scroll - Adapter

Voron Afterburner Galileo - Ender 3 & Ender3 V2 V Scroll - Adapter


#Now also supporting Ender 3 and Ender 3v2 Inspired by the adapter from tzeman for the Voron Afterburner I had some changes in my mind and wanted to try them out for my own Ender 3v2. First of all, instead of replacing the back plate of the Galileo Extruder i wanted to leave it untouched. And secondly I had to use supports at some places and thought that with some tweaks I could achieve something that should be printable without it. Mainly I've separated the adapter into two pieces to maintain the modular design of the Afterburner, made sure that there are flat surfaces to print on and measured everything again to be sure that it fits to the Ender 3v2. I've left the BL-Touch mount untouched so the one from tzeman is still working. (should I put the file for the mount here, too?) Ah and another thing to notice. I am using 4.6 mm x 5.7 mm threaded inserts which do need a 4 mm hole. I think that the Voron Afterburner does use others but this was what i had at home. Original by tzeman (currently V2.3): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4790296 ###ChangeLog: 20211001: * updated Ender 3 back part. Added recess (see image regarding XPlate and the little stud on the back). Little adjustment for better printability without support. 20210925: * renamed files * added Ender 3 compatible adapter 20210912: * added step files * edited the summary



