Atlantic Luggage Handle Button

Atlantic Luggage Handle Button


The original handle button's internal arm snapped on my carry-on Atlantic luggage which meant I could no longer push the button to pull out the extendable handle. At this point I decided to pull the broken part out, measure it with calipers and design a replacement. There are 2 files; one is a flat-top button and the other is a sloped-top button to more closely match the original design. This part can probably be printed in PLA but for durability I chose PETG to allow it some flex without snapping as I've read online PETG is better for functional parts. This will need to be printed upside down with supports. I used grid support with support distance of 5mm. Note: You CAN print right-side up but you'll need to use brim bed adhesion and possibly smaller support distance...this results in cleaner top surface for the button BUT post-process cleanup can be a nightmare within the cavity of the button and you may snap the post during your post-processing (I attempted it with PLA+ and half snapped a post)



