Artillery Sidewinder TFT Super Easy Firmware Flash Mod
Simplest Mod for cutting off the TFT for Firmware flash of the Artillery Sidewinder. You need 2x 15cm long male-female 2,54mm 2x4 DuPont connectors (both with the same color-coding preferred). Alternatively, 4x 1x4 DuPont connectors work too and will fit through the ventilation slots without prior disassembly. the 2x4 version has the advantage, that you can't accidentally push them through the slots after assembly. You can buy them as 10 packs on eBay/amazon/anywhere. The other ends are used as extensions for the white DuPont connector cable running from the mainboard to the TFT. The minimalistic flow-chart looks then like this: Mainboard -> white cable -> first 2x4 extension -> through the ventilation slot -> second 2x4 extension -> back through another ventilation slot -> TFT Please (!) take care of the wiring and do not accidentally plug them in in the wrong way.