Bahtinov Mask for Skywatcher 200p on Prusa i3 MKS

Bahtinov Mask for Skywatcher 200p on Prusa i3 MKS


Designed this after realizing my Prusa i3 MKS can't fit a Skywatcher 200p Bahtinov mask on the print bed. There are 3 main parts: The Bahtinov mask, a skirt that goes around the mask and bracers to hold the skirt together. Just glue the bracers to the skirt and then glue the mask to the skirt. It will need some sponge pads on the rim to make it fit snug onto the telescope. I've been using mine for months and just realized I never shared it here with you guys. Hope it helps bring you nice photos! Printing: I used bog standard .30mm settings. Infill 25% etc A total of 132g of filament. 3 hrs to print the mask. 3.5 hrs to print the skirt and braces. (I left the "Brim" off for this one)



