Storage Box and Lids -mini desk containers- for Vase Mode Fast Printing
Set of 4 vasemode mini storage boxes for your desk! Designed for it to be sturdy and yet printed fast in Vase Mode. each part all print between 1 to 2 hours There are four box sizes here: - 2" (w) by 3" (d) & 2" (h) - 2" (w) by 3" (d) & 4" (h) - 3" (w) by 3" (d) & 2" (h) - 2" (w) by 2" (d) & 4" (h) There's 3 Lid sizes to match the 4 boxes above. choose the matching size lid: - 2" x 2"; - 2" x 3"; - 3" x 3". Feel free to scale to suit your needs. Make sure to only scale uniformly (same in all axis) and you scale both box and lid by the same amount. Printing: * For printing in Vase Mode only (also known as Spiralised Outer Contour) * layer height 0.20mm OR LESS (for 0.4mm nozzles) There are 45'deg angled walls, so recommend less than 0.2mm layer only.