Raspberry Pi 4 Prusa MK3S Case w/ PoE + Noctua 40x10 Fan
This is a Remix of an old Remix. This will screw directly onto the Prusa MK3S frame and its completely out of the way so it doesn't ever interfere with printing. Power your pi with POE and buy a short usb cable to connect to the Prusa. Very clean and reliable. I've had this going for about a year now with no issues. I Stretched the case designed by Haz1 to make room for a POE Texas hat. Just a simple remix. It's pretty rough but does exactly whats needed. Thanks for the great work Haz1 find his original thing: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3724434 Poe hat: https://shop.poetexas.com/products/gaf-pihat Fan: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NEMGCIA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This is completely toolless. If you use these materials you slide on the poe hat, cut the yellow fan wire completely off, then strip back the red and black. Insert them into the poe hat gpio pin holes for 5v and ground. You can squeeze the wires in and they'll stay put or solder them in if you'd like. This drops my pie from 139F to 102F and it's nearly silent.