UFO lamp, USB rechargeable 18650 battery

UFO lamp, USB rechargeable 18650 battery


UFO LED rechargeable lamp 18650 battery Parts : Power LEDs 1W, lens 13mm , 18650 battery (recycled), resistor, torch switch round 8/12mm, TP4056 charger PCB (small version from here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32964995078.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.3.162270b1aCVsCW) Lens : https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20210907111148&SearchText=13mm+lens Switch : round torch switch 10x10mm , Aliexpress LED: 1-3W Power LED or 8mm Strawhat is fine, no cooling necessary If you only have TP4056 in size 18x22mm, cut corners and resolder 1uF capacitor. However this is not tested to fit. For the 3D print use support. Clean the 8mm switch hole with a step drill. Clean the USB PCB opening, test that the part fits. Tube : 22mm out / 20mm in aluminium tent pole is best but you can 3D print it as well. Rotate the tube (in drill or lathe), sanding the surface. Connect up the parts except battery with 0.25mm enamel wire. The 2 LEDs parallel connected + side runs to switch, - side to 2.7R resistor soldered on charger PCB. Hold the switch together with a hairclip when soldering. Check working, supply the circuit from a charger. Pull in the lanyard, tie a knot. Insert (glue) the electronics in the head in this order : switch, eyes, charger PCB, lenses. Check working again and connect the battery with thin isolated wire. Isolate the battery ends with masking tape, this prevents rattling in the tube as well. Glue the aluminium tube in place. Expect 8-12h continous light out of a full charge.





