Fluval Flex SmartFeed 2.0 Adapter
Update 12.10.2021: Added a version with even more slots and with a changed position for the feeder. This allows the feeder to drop food right into the hole instead of using the ramp, massively reducing the amount of stuck food in my tests. Also allows for a "rubber band" fixture of the feeder in case of cats ;) Update 01.10.2021: Added a "slotted" version trying to prevent moisture buildup inside the adapter. Still "cat safe" (at least with our cat). --- I designed this as an adapter to fit a Juwel SmartFeed 2.0 to my Fluval Flex (32.5 gallon / 123L) aquarium cover. The adapter can be put into the cover after removing the lid from the "feeding hole" (simply press against the closed lid from below, it will snap out without damage and can be reinserted later). The SmartFeed 2.0 will fit into the adapter, which also has a funnel to guide the food into the tank (and keeps it somewhat safe from my cats in the process). To insert the adapter into the cover, simply slide in the left side first, which "locks" onto the left plastic pin to keep it secure. Even though the adapter usually does not come into contact with water, it might have condensation dropping into the water - so please make sure to use food safe filaments!