Royal Demon - Martyr Collector

Royal Demon - Martyr Collector


Hello, I made this figure mostly from other models available on the thingverse, maybe someone will like it. I will add original creators once ill find them. I downloaded a bunch of models i liked a while ago and i just dont remember who were the OG lads. The "demon prince" file has no wings so if you want to print them just mirror the "wing" file in your slicer and add them later. If you want the sword just print it separately and replace the original hand. Parts may need rescaling but i usually do this in the slicer. Just put all the models in slicer and simply eyeball how big they should be to fit your needs. In my case the main body of the figure is around 13 cm in height. I also recommend printing this with tree support - it worked perfectly in my case. Please let me know if you print this guy!






