Torsen Type 2 (model)

Torsen Type 2 (model)


# Torsen Type II Differential While trying to understand the principles behind a limited slip differential, I came across a couple examples of the Torsen version, both type 1 and 2. However, there didn't seem to be any type 2 models to play with (admittedly, I didn't look too hard), so I made one. This is a working demonstration of the principles behind a Torsen Type2 differential. It's too large to use in a model car (and has no actual outputs to connect), but looks pretty cool on the desk. The carrier sections are held together with **M4x35mm** bolts. Six is probably overkill but it made for nice symmetry. Note that the planetary gears have right and left versions and they aren't interchangable. Same for the output gears. The outer gears (they're not really planetary...although, they kind-of are if you consider the output gears as suns and the big helical gear as the outer ring...but that's a whole different topic...) are just rotating on a bit of coat-hanger/wire held in with glue for now. If I get a chance, I'll come back and maybe improve that a bit, particularly if I'm going to scale it down to something usable. As it is, it's fairly chunky.... I've included the STEP files in case you want to edit it and make it your own. ## Updates 11-Sep-2021 -- the right planet didn't make it into the initial upload. If you've downloaded the model previously, you'll need to do so again.






