Ender 3 Pro front PSU mount

Ender 3 Pro front PSU mount


Bracket for a front-mounted Ender 3 Pro MeanWell power supply. Works well with any choice of back-mounted electronics box. Each side of the PSU is sandwiched between two parts which are fixed in place with 2 M4x6 screws each. Ones on the right have cutouts for power cables that go in/out. Power socket/switch can be mounted under the display (there should be enough clearance from the speaker and/or cover). Power wires will be routed over the right base profile from underneath the screen (not an ideal approach though). There's a bit of room behind the psu for some of the cables (power to the motherboard, display, second z-axis motor/endstop). The psu body sits tightly against the Y-axis but for safety should still be grounded with a separate wire. I added a wire to the socket assembly and screwed it along with the display. All bracket parts printed with the flat side down with supports under v-slot extrusions for bottom parts. Power socket best printed its face down.



