Modified PiBoy DMG Bumper Buttons
Modified buttons for the PiBoy DMG by Experimental Pi. It is a combination of the lever design of one and the side fixture of another which is like the normal PiBoy buttons. Should be compatible with the normal PiBoy Shell but I used a modified 3D printed one with more ventilation as well: The original bumper design with it's own bracket to screw into the backshell didn't work with the replacement printed shell - the middle part needed modification and once I got it to fit, it was too loose and required fixation with glue which did not hold well for me. These don't need the bracket but don't have quite as good actuation of the buttons, needs to be pressed on a slightly less range of angles. If you can work this out, remix it and tell me so I can use yours. Huuuuuuuge thanks to the people that released these STLs especially the shell, holy moly on thingiverse for free for those of us who do not want to pay for prints. (No hate to those selling them either, you do you)