The Stir and Cure. Automated Resin Curing Solution Using an FDM Printer

The Stir and Cure. Automated Resin Curing Solution Using an FDM Printer


In this video we will take a look at how I automated my FDM 3D printer to wash and cure my resin printed parts. These modifications are not permanent and you can easily remove the UV enclosure from the top of your printer so that you can continue to use it as a regular FDM printer. This quick and convenient washing and curing system is experimental but seems to do a relatively good job with post processing. You will, of course, need an FDM printer to do this. If you're into resin 3D printing there is a good chance you may have a FDM printer as well. The video covers the build and assembly of this automated wash and cure station and if you want to build your own you will need the following 3D printed parts: ► YOU ARE HERE In addition to the 3D printed parts, you can use the Python script to generate the gcode for the stirring motion on your printer. You can find that here: These are the UV lights I used: ► These are the fans I used: ► In order to control the UV lights in your enclosure, you will need to be running Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi. Download the "Enclosure" plugin as seen in the video and follow the setup as described in the video. I've found that the best method to washing your 3D printed resin parts is to do a 2 stage wash. 70% IPA or Monocure Resin Away is great for the first wash to do the heavy lifting and get rid of the majority of resin. Use a soft brush to get into all of the little hard to reach places. Then with this system, use 50% IPA to do a quick secondary wash & cure. ► Hopefully you guys have found this idea to be interesting. Perhaps it will spark some ideas for further development or a new system altogether. Let me know what you think in the comments section below, and be sure to post your questions there so I can answer them! Thanks for watching! #3DPRINTER #DIY #MAKER **************************************************************** If you enjoy and have benefited from my content and are feeling generous I would love your support! You can "buy me a coffee" here: ► ☕ By supporting my channel you are encouraging me to continue with this time consuming endeavor. A lot of time goes into design work, building my projects, filming the videos, editing the videos, etc. Plus it all costs money! Your generosity goes a long way in helping me bring you better content as often as I can! Follow me on Instagram! ►







3D Printing