Diatone Ripper: THE MISSING PART (aero pan servo nose)

Diatone Ripper: THE MISSING PART (aero pan servo nose)


_Update Dec 2021:_ Added a camera-only variation for ultimate aerodynamic speed. Thanks Bambusgott. Edit again: now added a completely blank version too. Any other requests welcome. Part 3 in my _make-the-Ripper-epic_ series: An aerodynamic nose for a pan-mount servo. The Ripper, also known/sold sold as the HEE Wing F-01. Let's say you gave your Ripper [removable wings](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4946545) (that's part 1!) and [servo covers](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4947355) (part 2) but want to actually see where you're turning? Get yo'self a pan mount. ### Servo Selection Get the [TGY-R5180MG](https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigytm-tgy-r5180mg-180-degree-mg-analog-servo-2-0kg-0-12sec-12g.html) 180º servo and extend the PWM output to 700-2300 (on either your FC or transmitter). **This gives you 270º of rotation!** Also works great with the [TGY-180D](https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigytm-tgy-180d-180-degree-digital-servo-2-2kg-0-10sec-12g.html) digital version of that servo. Slightly less range but much improved accuracy. ### Pan mounts I've included my minimalist camera pan mount parts as well, designed specifically for those two servos. Also check out my [insta360 go2 pan mount](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4834571) if you've got one of those! [![printing timelapse](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IdioticSilkyHare-size_restricted.gif)](https://gfycat.com/idioticsilkyhare) ### Print it in LW-PLA Try a roll or lightweight-pla and only add a dozen grams to your nose. And/or print it with one perimeter but with regular PLA and it's still not too bad. ### Post your make! [![post a make](https://i.imgur.com/6U82CcZ.png)](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4961537/make) Please post 'em! Really! Take a quick cameraphone photo of your print in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world. ### Want a variation / label / engraving? [Telegram me](https://t.me/coolwheel)! _Designing stuff_ is fun but interacting with cool people and hearing about their adventures _is better._ I can generate any variation / engraving easily, [send me a telegram](https://t.me/coolwheel) and/or leave a comment and let's make your perfect version. I only ask that you post a make! If you'd like the CAD or STEP file too, no problem. Message me.







R/C Vehicles