OrbiFan V1
~OrbitFan~ The Orbiter fan duct! **12.Sept 2021: Full hotend assembly STEP file added. Optmized for the Orbiter direct drive extruder. (Here with the V1.5) - Fully testes approx 24/7 for almost half a year. Runs good! High performence duct. Prints smal details, and bigger models at over 300mm/s, (CR10s) - Infill up to you. Minimum 30% i would recomend. 3-5 Perimeters. Think i printed mine in 100% - The design has been optimzed for minimal supports needed. Se pictures where i add support blockers (!) - Can be used without cabel chain, but designes for use with it. - Bltouch mount is adjustable in the range recommended by the manufactor. - Uses 5015 fans. - Uses stock Creality hotend. - Small printed spacer is just glued to the fan duct. - The 4 holes in top side is for zip ties, regarding cable management. - Fans are "Snap in place". - 10 thread inserts are needed. - PTFE Tube between Orbiter and nozzle should be around 79mm, but make it longer and test. Should have a little pressure here. - Only tested printed in pla, up to 260*C. No melting** - Need drilling new holes in the hotend mounting bracket, messures found in pictures** Chain mount has been made to fit my remix https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4961937 Of this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2923095