wasp bait bowl with lid

wasp bait bowl with lid


I designed this to attach to the yellow wasp traps from the hardware stores. What I do is leave the inner cone out. For my bait I mix up a half gallon of apple juice and half gallon of water and 4 teaspoons of boric acid. The mixture will last longer if it's kept in the fridge if you wanted to mix up a whole gallon. because it's diluted the honey bees aren't interested. wasps will come and take it back to their nests and feed it to the others, so it's an effective way to kill entire nests. I have heard it can help take care of nests in a 2 mile radius. the amount of boric acid doesn't have to be exact, but if you don't use enough then it takes a really long time to kill them, and if you use to much it kills the individual wasps to fast and they don't make it back to the nest, 4 teaspoons in a gallon has worked well for me. I put 2 holes in the top of the lid to hang it up with string, but it can be used without a lid as well. I mainly wanted a lid so my kids and animals didn't get into it because I hang them up. If the bait isn’t being taken fast enough then I have seen it become moldy if it’s out for more than a week or so. Trying different amounts of bait in the trap will help lessen how much is wasted, but it really depends on how many wasps are active near the trap and if it’s placed in a good spot for them to be able to smell it. I printed it using PETG so it can handle being outside. I Checked them with water beforehand to make sure they had sealed. For any that aren't fully waterproof I've just coated with plastidip with success that way, just while I've been playing with various settings to get it how I want it. I’ve designed a top part, which I haven’t been able to test print out fully yet, it’s in 2 sections so the threaded part can be thicker and the top part can be printed in vase mode for transparency if using a clear filament so that way the yellow part wouldn’t be required. The two pieces would just need to be glued together. I just wanted something transparent for the top so I could check how much liquid is left and that there weren’t any alive wasps inside if I go to take it apart. If transparency isn't desired the two top parts can always be pulled into tinkercad or something like that and combined to make one piece. There is also a spike in the middle to use for solid baits, such as bacon or something like that because in the spring time they’re looking more for proteins, whereas the fall they’re wanting more sugars. This will hold approximately 8oz. printed at 100% infill I did supports just for the window parts on the base is all. UPDATE: I attempted to do the vase mode, and it wasn't as transparent as I had hoped, so I ended up just making a solid piece for the lid. It will need supports. also added hex, and downsized by .1mm to the solid lid piece to aid in removal







3D Printing