First Order Stormtrooper shoulder pouch frame

First Order Stormtrooper shoulder pouch frame


Internal support frame for a First Order stormtrooper shoulder pouch, intended to be approvable to 501st Legion standards. These pouches are based on the MP40 magazine pouches used by Original Trilogy sandtroopers, but are approximately 20% smaller and have a slightly different cut (squared off front flaps rather than rounded or tapered), so most commercially available pouches are not accurate. This frame keeps the pouch stiff and maintains the shape of the individual sections. The holes between the boxes allow it to be sewn directly into the fabric. The frame could be replaced by blocks of foam and a piece of flat plastic in the back to keep the pouch stiff, but 3D printing it keeps everything in one piece allows the pouch to remain at least nominally functional. The attached diagram gives the dimensions of the pleather pieces that I used. You could print that out and use it as a template, or just make your own. Cut along the black lines and fold along the light grey, and sew the straps on where the grey squares are marked to make the pouch in the photo. The craftsmanship on my pouch isn't fantastic since this is the first thing I've ever sewn, but you get the idea.






