Plastic House Airtight Filament Container Cap & Gasket
This is a cap and gasket set that fits the Plastic House 4L airtight cereal container that will allow you to run the filament from the container to the printer while printing without drilling holes or leaving the cap open on the container. This way you won't have to damage the containers and minimize the exposure of the filament to humidity while printing. The hole in the cap should fit a PC4-M10 ptfe tube quick connector as seen in the attached photos. The cap can be printed with any filament - PLA, PETG, PVB, etc. The gasket should be printed with a flexible filament such as TPU. The two pieces should fit snug, but a little glue may be applied to keep the gasket from slipping off. Personally, I printed the cap in PVB and sprayed alcohol on it before putting the gasket on in order to glue the two together. Here is a link to the specific containers used: Here is a spool holder for the same container - Thanks to Augustusbot for posting the link to the containers originally on this site. I've searched for a long time and could never find cheap airtight containers for individual spools of filament that fit.