Raspberry PI Case 1B+/2/3
This is a minimalist case for a Raspberry Pi 1B+, 2 or 3. Why another case when there are so many out there? This one has the smallest footprint. Most important, it has a 7 mm clearance between the bottom of the case and the Raspberry Pi. 2 mounting holes are provided on the bottom. With that clearance, the screws won't touch the Raspberry Pi even if using M5 screws. This case is designed to be mounted on 2020 aluminum extrusions. No screws are needed for the case itself if your printer is well calibrated. Use very little glue on 2 opposites corner of the cover if it is loose. Support material is not needed. An infill of 20% is recommended. This object main web page is: http://www.ctheroux.com/raspberry-pi-case-1b-2-3/. This object was designed using Solid Edge Community Edition. You can request the source files on the page listed above.