WIP Star Trek Holoemitter Combadges - From Voyager to Picard
EDIT 18/10/2021: I have redesigned the backing plate for the Voyager, Lower Decks and Imperfect Future combadges as the original version was too small and cut out for the purpose. The backing plate is bigger and in the delta shape so it goes together with the combadges visually. I have resized the Voyager Combadge so it works better as a cosplay piece. I have also uploaded a combined version of the Voyager combadge to print easier for FDM printers. Work In Progress. I haven't printed all the designs out yet, so there may be updates to them after printing. I've taken the idea of the mobile emitter combadge and wanted to merge the design of the mobile emitter with several of the combadges from Voyager onwards but make it more integrated into the combadge design. Thanks to the following who have designed great models of the combadges that I have used in this remix. Star Trek Voyager Combadge - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4318101 Star Trek Lower Decks Combagde - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4625645 Star Trek TNG Future Imperfect Combadge - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4114773 Star Trek Future Combadge - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1256263 Star Trek Picard Combadge - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4140451 EMH 29th Century Mobile Holoemitter - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:961230 I have added 6mmx1mm recesses in the back of the badge to fit the magnets that I currently own. There is two backings one for the Voyager, Lower Decks and Future Imperfect. And are another backing for the Future and Picard combadge.