Barbie Surfboard
I designed this to work with my girls Barbies so that they could slip the feet in tightly and play with them. This model will only work with Barbies or like dolls that have feet that are not angled down. You may have to trim some material of the surfboard feet molds where the front of the ankle touches. Surprisingly, there are many different size ankles and feet for the Barbies but this should be good enough for you to use with little modification. I created and printed many different versions before I was able to land on this one which I believe is most fitting. Printing: I printed mine with Geetech PLA w/ 10-20% infill. Note: I made blocks in Cura around the feet to print with 100% infill. I don't think it will need this but I'm still new to 3d Printing and didn't feel like taking chances on wasted prints. However, you can probably get away without that. Note2: These happened to actually warp/bend pretty good once left out in a black truck, after a day at the beach in the great nation of Texas summer heat. This shouldn't be a big deal but if you make it out of PLA and want to avoid tears from the beautiful girl you love, I'd watch out for that. :)