Quake1 extruder knob

Quake1 extruder knob


An extruder knob is an very handy item on your printer. To make it more appealing you can add something on it. In my case a added the logo from the game i used to play a lot. When the printer is working and the filament is working its way true the extruder, the gears are running back and forth.The quake sign is turning clock or anticlokwise which looks great. its one of the things i printed first for my printer not knowing how to work it properly. The knob and logo are seperate files from thingiverse. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2776404 (extruder knob) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:964548 (quake 1 logo) Just print them an use some superglue to connect both



