Tie Ekranoplan Heavy Assault
I saw this awesome and weird Tie fighter ekranoplane concept by a Lego builder called Ghalad, his flickr account can be found here with pictures of his awesome Lego Ekrano Tie. https://www.flickr.com/photos/187560633@N05/ I knew I had to build it. I have written to him, but have not had any response, so I hope he does not mind I deLEGOfied his concept as I found the design really cool and wanted to make one for my X-wing game. The STL is sized for x-wing which is Scale 270, It would go on a large base. If you wan't to print this bigger, you should probably ad some more details. I have uploaded two models, a whole version and a sliced one which can be printed on a filament printer. The picture of the LEGO model is NOT mine, all credit goes to Ghalad.