Bike Pump Hose Bracket

Bike Pump Hose Bracket


Replacement for bracket that attaches hose to bike pump Printing: 100% fill, no supports or raft needed For scaling, this one's designed for 32mm diameter pump chamber and 10mm diameter hose. Model is 7.2mm high and thick. Tested w/PLA+ to verify flexible enough to snap over pump chamber Tip: Wrap a zip tie in rubber from old bike tube and wrap attach it under bracket to hold more firmly. Fine without but a little better with. And now that I think about it, you could just just zip tie the hose holder to the pump instead of clipping it. Put a strip of tubing underneath to keep it from sliding. I probably won't rev this one, but easy remix. Just cut off the clip and combine it with a cube with a hole for a zip tie.



