Xplova NOZA smart bike trainer sensor mod v1

Xplova NOZA smart bike trainer sensor mod v1


## Abstract: - A speed sensor housing for Xplova (Acer) NOZA-N1 (non -S) smart bicycle trainer mod. - This trainer was sold in late 2018~ and now discontinued. (NOZA-S1 is current model) - NOZA-N1 was affordable price and it compatible for ANT+ FE-C and BLE protocol support which ideal for Zwift trainer. However it was not matured software and hardware quality. - Especially after about a year you purchasing the trainer, you will be facing a trouble like you suddenly lost speed signal and there no-load on your riding because of dead speed sensor. - So this sensor mod is a replacement of the dead original speed sensor with using IR proximity sensor for Arduino and RPR-220 a reflective photo-diode. ---- ## Requirements: - NOZA smart bike trainer - Cheap Flying-fish IR sensor (You can find so many variants in Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32321964595.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.4e3137c48C1AiJ&algo_pvid=5a8f9cfd-b4c4-4a23-8446-0bb13e06967b&algo_exp_id=5a8f9cfd-b4c4-4a23-8446-0bb13e06967b-25&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2257308802764%22%7D ) - RPR-220 (Original is ROHM but you can find so many variants) - (Optional) 3pin JST connector (XE, 2mm pitch, male) ---- ## Assembly: - De-solder IR LED and Photo LED from the Flying-fish IR sensor board - (Optional) Replace pin header to JST connector which can connect the sensor directly to the main board - Connect RPR-220 to the Flying-fish IR sensor board with wire. - Assembly the sensor to the housing (see photo) - Assembly the original CPU board to the housing (see photo)



