Eye Patch Rack

Eye Patch Rack


I wear eye patches. I don't have just one; I figured, if I'm going to be wearing them, why not do it in style? So, I have several of them in different colors, patterns, and decorations. As with most such things, they do tend to get tangled in my drawer, so I designed this rack to hold them up. Tie racks and necklace racks just don't seem to do the job; either the patches slip off, or there isn't enough height, or something else isn't quite right. So, I designed my own specifically for the purpose. The design is a simple one, and should be printable without supports. The base and top alone should be enough for eight patches (or whatever you decide to hang from it). Each "Tree" part adds eight more, and this can be expanded as far as the stability of the rack allows (or until it reaches the ceiling, whichever comes first). The Base has a knob on top, and the Top has a hole in the bottom for it to fit into. This should keep the top reasonably stable without the need for glue, allowing for the addition of Tree sections (which have both) as your collection expands. I've also uploaded a "complete" version in case you want to do it that way (and your print space is large enough), and so you can all see what it would look like assembled. This rack should be equally useful for things like neckties, bow ties, necklaces, bracelets, and the like.






