Short Outer Barrel for Cybergun FAMAS F1 (AIRSOFT)
Designed this to make the Cybergun FAMAS F1 more CQB friendly. Can also be used to run a mock suppressor over the factory / an upgraded inner barrel for a more aggressive look - see last picture to estimate the length needed for coverage. A 410mm inner barrel will be flush with the end of the threads - I personally use this with a 409mm. A 407mm should be ok as well but I would not recommend any shorter. Should not need the original screw to hold this outer barrel in place, just make sure to tap it in (gently!) so its seated all the way back in the barrel bracket. Make sure there's no 'lip' around the bottom of the barrel or the notch before seating - may need to file these edges down so the sides are straight and smooth if your printer/bed is running a little hot. Recommended printing w/ layer height 0.1mm, 1.2mm thick walls, 45% infill. If you have the ability to test this in other makes/models of the FAMAS, please let us know if it works!