Hobby Knife Safety Cap
<a href='https://ko-fi.com/O4O74MJRO' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'><img src="https://www.ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg" alt="ko-fi"> **v2 Update** Added anti-roll flange, which also doubles as a flat surface for those who want to print this sideways. The updated design accommodates #17 chiseling blades. ___ Yet another hobby knife safety cap. Unsatisfied with the available models online, I decided to create my own version. This model is a bit longer, uses tension in the design to keep the cap secure, and better fits the blades I'm using. This design is based off the x-acto blade safety cap which easily gets lost. Optimized for 0.5mm nozzles. Print multiple at the same time to allow the part to cool. You can find source files on my github as well: https://github.com/XDleader555/cad_models/tree/main/hobby_knife_safety_cap