DL-104 SciFi Blaster
This model is a reimagined, non-canon blaster meant to fit into the SW universe. The model takes queues from Han Solo blaster, as well as modern day fire arms design. This is envisioned as a blaster from the same family as Han Solo's DL-44, just a few generations down the line. The model prints in 6 pieces (Upper, Lower, Flash hider, Trigger Assembly, Trigger, Trigger Pins (x3)). The model can be made to have a working trigger by wrapping small rubber band around trigger and rear trigger pin. The model also is designed with hollow cavities in the center of the model, so there is a possibility for electronics install, or addition of material to increase weight of prop. ***Important*** If flash hider is glued onto barrel, the upper and lower will no longer be able to be slid together/apart. Ensure that attaching the flash hider is the last piece of assembly, or that the flash hider is not permanently affixed if you intend on disassembling prop.