


# OLKB Terminal The most up to date info, models, and info will be kept in github here: https://github.com/jeffeb3/olkb-terminal The keyboard is the void30. Not part of these STLs. (v61 on the files I have, if that matters). ## Printing The largest pieces is between 210mm and 220mm long. Sorry, no prusa minis. Make sure your printer is extruding the right amount, that it is square, and that your first layer settings are good before printing. If everything goes well, it should be maybe 6 total prints that are a half day or less each. Anywhere it matters, I've considered the extruder to use a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height. I don't think it will make much difference to do somewhat different sizes. The Ziro CF Filament I used turned out great with the faceted design. The light catches it and really looks better IRL. ## Non Commercial This is not only my project. I have stood on the shoulders of giants and their work is licensed only under a non-commercial license. If you see someone printing and selling these without my permission, please let me know. If you want to make one for yourself, or modify it or add parts, please do.






