AXA indicator Holder Aloris
Designed to fit a harbor freight indicator. The digital OR the analog fit well. The back post of the indicator is tapered and it will press fit into the holder. No need for a bolt. Its incredibly snug, it won't fit all the way in, I didn't find it necessary. You could file the indicator post a touch if you want it to fit better. Fits an Aloris AXA quick change tool post. Its a snug fit, I sanded down the dovetail edges just a hair for a smoother connection. I printed as is with support. the whole shelf gets support. you can try printing dovetail face down. If your printer does bridges well. the inside face of the dovetail is NOT critical to the function, it does not come in contact with the Aloris post. the "hooks" of the dovetail and the outside face are the reference points. You cal inspect your current tool holders to see what I mean.