Magnetic Doorstop

Magnetic Doorstop


This is a simple design to replace the little angled doorstopper for my wife's office door. It was a standard floor mounted stopper with a little rubber nose to soften impacts. The issue is that settling over the years has caused the floor to slope slightly and the door always wants to fall shut which is annoying. I decided to make a magnetic duplicate and added a small screw at a suitable height in the door to act as the attractee for the magnet. It works quite well. I designed this doorstop to fit one of those neodymium cubes measuring about 9.9mm on all sides. It is snug, but fits in place without any warping or modifications. Nevermind the ragged edges, I used a brim and tree supports which I did not fine tune for easy removal AND I was lazy and did a crappy job of removing the brim and supports with needle-nose pliers. I'm not proud of that, but I was impatient. The print itself turned out beautifully! I doubt the brim was necessary. Anyway, here it is for anyone with a similar setup wanting something more functional than a rubber nubbin for your door to bounce off of. EDIT: I originally left the face open just in case I needed to extend the screw a bit to allow more attractive force to hold the door. It turned out not to be necessary for my purposes, but I left it in just in case it might be useful for someone else. I could probably also have made the only opening the face, made it flush with the magnet itself and just either relied on a snug fit or used glue to make it permanent. Maybe someone will remix this, I only spent a few minutes on the design. Also, I had more pictures for reference, but they were too big for Thingiverse's tiny hands to hold and I didn't want to bother with modifying them to fit the requirements. It's a simple enough item that I don't think it really matters.






