Lawson Sash Guide 5/8" and Face Guide
Lawson Sash Guide 5/8" and Face Guide circa early 2000's and maybe late 90's Sash Guide I have been buying replacement sash Guides for years at over a buck each... now just print your own. Use at least PETG. PRINTING: Sash Guide is an easy print on its head with no supports at .2 layer with .4 nozzle. FACE GUIDES The Face guides are stupid expensive to buy and very small. I printed them at .10 layer height. I printed them with no support. Printing them with support made them impossible to clean. At .10 layer height the overhangs are angled slightly to allow for better success. Remember the objective with the face guide is to have it clip in to place and stay in place while you operate the window and/or remove/install it. Again use at least PETG. MATERIAL ASA for UV is a good choice if you print with ASA. I have found PETG holds up sufficiently although it may discolor with time in the UV light. Notes You will notice there are fewer holes in my model. Several of the holes in the original parts are support the injection molding process. Since I was purchasing Kinco guides for years these are close, but the Kinco is a little taller. The script to make it is a hack but if you want play it let me know.