Geeetech I3 Pro C X Drag Chain

Geeetech I3 Pro C X Drag Chain


This is a really big X axis drag chain for the dual extruder, Geetech I3 Pro C. Standard sized chain links just weren't going to fit all the cabling to the print carriage of a direct drive dual extruder, so I made the links extra wide. I have test fitted all the cabling through these links, but be advised that the wires to the stepper motors for the two feeders that come with the Geeetech I3 Pro C are too short "only 28 inches" to reach from the extruder steppers to their respective connectors on the main board, through the chain, a 90 degree horizontal turn, and a 26 degree vertical turn. One meter long cables would have reached and worked well through the chain on this printer, but I intend to eventually migrate the dual extruder and main board to the frame of my CTC A10S, which has a build volume of 300 x 300 x 400. I ordered a pair of 2 meter long stepper cables from EBay to use these parts with either frame. For full travel on the X axis, this design requires the equivalent of 23 chain links. A 23 link chain will have a tendency to sag badly, especially oversized links such as these turning horizontally. I was going to make a 14 segment rigid long link to replace the links at the beginning of the chain that don't turn anyways, but decided to make the rigid part in 2 sections, a 9 segment and 6 segment rigid long link that join together at the X mount and connect the 9 movable links that attach to the extruder carriage. I broke the long link into two pieces so it can be easily printed on a small machine, such as the Geeetech I3 Pro. I've included two versions of the extruder chain mount, one that adds support for two 5015 axial fans, and one that does not. Both versions attach in the same fashion. Remove the two heat brake cooling fan screws, set the fan into the mount, then attach the mount sandwiched between the cooling fan and carriage. If you're inclined to use the extruder chain mount for the axial fans, here's a link to the model from which that piece was derived: There you will find the model for the duct I intend for the dual axial fans and the push pins I use for attaching the axial fans to the mount. This model requires 9 of the normal fat links. I included a STL with 4 fatlinks, and a STL with a single fatlink.



