Underextrusion, retraction, extra prime and coasting test REMIX for 0.6mm Nozzles

Underextrusion, retraction, extra prime and coasting test REMIX for 0.6mm Nozzles


This is based on Brilliant Name's "Underextrusion, retraction, extra prime and coasting test" (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3229413/). The original model is designed for a 0.4mm nozzle so I had to make this for a 0.6mm nozzle I'm using, and I also added a 0.4mm brim which connects all the parts. I used this to reduce some blobbing I'm seeing using PETG and a 0.6mm nozzle. First however, it is important to calibrate e-steps, temp, flow, and retraction as best as possible. Then I used this model to tune the coasting. I noted that for some reason in Cura, the default coasting was set for a 0.4mm nozzle (0.064mm^3) so I ran a baseline, and then tested using the recommended value for a 0.6mm nozzle which is the diameter cubed (0.6x0.6x0.6 = 0.216mm^3). I did a write up on my blog with pics of each test which was used to tune things for the PETG I was using (http://www.mystoopidstuff.com/blog/retraction-and-coasting-one-pulls-the-other-one-pushes). In a nutshell, I suggest tuning retraction first, and then consider coasting to be a variable to polish things up with. What I ended up with after testing was a slightly higher retraction, and the recommended value for coasting based on the nozzle size I am using.



