


This is a direct drive mod for the CR-10 V2. It relocates the stock extruder and motor onto the X carriage. You will need to extend the extruder motor wires. A M3*12 screw and nut is needed for mounting. A length of 88-89mm Bowden tube is inserted between the extruder and hotend (you may need to experiment with the length as I cut mine at 88mm and it feels like it might be a hair short). Full Z-axis height can be reached as long as the X-axis position is greater than 11mm (otherwise keep the Z-axis under 300mm if you need to print on that 11mm of the left-side of the bed). The extruder motor hits the support strut on the left-side when near the top of the Z-axis. This could also be a problem when auto homing near the top as the X-axis is homes before Y/Z (tip: depress X-axis trigger switch when auto homing near the top of the Z-axis to prematurely trigger; then re-home again when gantry is lowered). I created this because I wanted to relocate the extruder. I find it more convenient when loading filament without the Bowden tube setup. I also don't have the filament sensor hooked up at this time. I may add a revised mount with filament sensor later on.



