Pi4 Weather Sensor and Display Case

Pi4 Weather Sensor and Display Case


I've been collecting weather data from various sensors around my place for years and have been slowly migrating away from the buy-it kits to the DIY "kits". The process was accelerated when a power-outage bricked the display that came with the weather station, sadly this also took down the indoor temperature as well as barometric pressure readings. Rather than reward the manufacture for making an fragile display I decided to make my own. The case is designed to hold the following: - [Raspberry Pi4](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/) - [Raspberry Pi4 7in Touchscreen Display](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-touch-display/) - [DEVMO PM Sensor SDS011 Air Quality Sensor](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0899V46SS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - [Waveshare BME280 Temperature/Pressure/Humidity Sensor](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P4CWGGK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) You will also need a longer ribbon cable than what came with the 7in display. I used a 20cm cable. You can get a [15 Pieces Flexible Ribbon Cable Set](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08662272F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) from Amazon.com or your favorite electronics supplier. I put my Pi in a [Geekworm Raspberry Pi 4 Armor Case](https://geekworm.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-armor-aluminum-alloy-case-protective-shell) because it is completely quiet and in my small testing kept the Pi as cool or cooler than the other case I have a fan for. The display case models should work with other setups (and I included nut cutouts to support them) but I haven't tested them. You will also need: - 4x m2.5 nuts and screws (to affix the pi to the supports in the display case) (I used the screws that came with the Geekworm Armor Case) - 4x m3 screws 6-8mm to affix front panel to touch screen display. - 2x m2 (or 2.5m) nuts and screws (6 or 8mm) to affix the BME280 sensor to the display case - 3x m3 nuts and screws (8mm) to affix the SDS011 sensor to the display case. - 2x m3 nuts and screws (12mm) to assemble the stand base and attachment. - 1x m3 nut and screw to securely fasten the back of the case to the front. - Superglue to secure the nuts to the case. (You will want to print a 3m spacer for each of the m3 screws, and a 2.5mm spacer for each m2.5 screws you use for the case. You don't need any spacers for the stand base and attachment Once assembled I set up the Pi to load my weather station using the [weewx-kiosk-docker](https://github.com/jumbledbytes/weewx-kiosk-docker) project. I now have a touch screen enabled weather display that I can customize to display the weather infor I want how I want it. Way better than the stock and comparatively static and low-fidelity display that bit the dust.





