Austin Fletcher George Mason University Math 401- Math Through 3D Printing 27 September 2021 Iterated Squares For this assignment, I was to create a print of some sort of iterated function to observe the pattern of the function after so many iterations. In order to do this I used OpenSCAD for my code which then allowed me to export my object into STL format and using the Cura slicer software I sent it to the ultimaker printer via USB. I unfortunately am unable to remember exactly how long my object took to print but it was several hours on the ultimaker. I used 15% infill and included a brim to insure buildplate adhesion. As seen in the picture of my final print, there was no need for me to implement any supports. In order to make this object in OpenSCAD, I first created a module that contained the polygon command using only 4 sides to create a square. This then got linearly extruded to create what would be my base shape. I then implemented another module named repeat which is what I used to do my iterations. In repeat, I had my previous shape modified 4 times by scaling it down 19.5/48 for the width and 7/9 for the height. I also translated each of the four new shapes in different directions to line them up in the corners of the previous larger shape and I also rotated them 20 degrees each to add the twist that can be seen. Once these modules were established I was then able to call them as needed. I originally called repeat 4 times but once I was in the print room I realized that it would not turn out great with that many iterations. In order to fix that, I went back in my code and chaged it so that I only ran 3 iteratons.