FreeABL nozzle prober for V6 hotend

FreeABL nozzle prober for V6 hotend


Free ABL that uses the nozzle for probing the print bed. (3mf files can be opened in cura, for those who dont know the file format) Works best on hard surfaces like glass. this version is curently mounted on my sunlu-s8, i havent tested the mount plate on any other printer, but it should work on a CR10 and Ender 3. the bearings needed are it is designed for the E3D V6 hotend, but a version for the standart Creality hotend will come in the future. 2x Ø16mm (outer diameter), Ø5mm (inder diameter), 5mm thick (can be found in nema 17 stepper motors, mine is from a dead nema 17 stepper motor) the arm can be monted with a long m5 bolt. for the switch, it uses a standart endstop switch with Ø3 holes, spaced out 9,5mm the spring i used is a Ø7x15mm spring ( dont use strong springs, or you will damage your nozzle/hotend/carriage ) and a stiff mounted print bed, for best results please note, that changes will come on the future, especially since thingiverse is not playing nicely at this moment, and that this is not the final design (please exuce my spelling erros, im dyslexic and i will go over everything once my autocorrect on my pc works again -__-" ... ) watch these 2 videos for help with firmware changed for this



